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Anjaliom_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ | yoga for children in paris 19

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kids yoga

Yoga classes for children (7-12 years old) 2019-20
débuteront avec un cours découverte  gratuit le mercredi  4 septembre à 16h .
Book your place here
In the "Tree of Yoga", Sri BKS Iyengar explains:
"Children are fast. They don't like monotony. They like variety and novelty in everything. You have to explain the same posture to you day after day, and you still can't grasp it.

But ask a group of children to do it and in two seconds they will do it very well. A child's mind is in the present and does not go into the past or the future. But adults constantly project themselves into the past and the future and are never in the present. This is why we have to give so many explanations to adults, to bring them back to the present.

A child learns faster than an adult, through the eyes. If you give too long explanations to a child, he falls asleep, but if I explain or demonstrate quickly to a group of adults, they say they don't understand. Children must be taught according to their behavior, and adults must be taught according to their affectivity and their environment. For all these reasons, children and adults must be taught separately. It is not possible for a young child to take a yoga class intended for adults. Even if a child is interested in yoga, you will put him off if you put him in an adult class because he will be bored."

Why yoga is a perfect discipline for children?

  Yoga classes for children are fun, stimulating, sporty and relaxing!

Children learn to develop qualities such as stability, strength, flexibility and balance. Asanas (postures) improve the child's gross and subtle  motor system, strengthen the muscular system, improve overall body posture and build self-confidence.

An important aspect of practicing yoga is that it  improves overall focus and concentration, which can help the child improve their academic performance. But the most rewarding thing is that for children this practice is both a challenge and fun!

During yoga classes the different asanas are performed in a quick and steady flow, so that children stay interested and focused. The selected asanas are extremely well designed for the child's imagination, for example one stands like a “warrior” (Virabhadrasana), like “a dog with the head down” (Adho Mukha Svanasana) or one remains motionless like a “tree” ​_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673bana_(Vrksasana).

Children's yoga class schedule
yoga enfants paris 19
child yoga

3 mois

44 € / mois

6 mois

42 € / mois

9 mois

40 € / mois

cours d'essai


12 €

cours à l'unité

Cours à l'unité 

Le cours  d'essai et le cours à l'unité s'achètent sur la Boutique en ligne>Services ou au moment de la réservation.


Cet abonnement permet de suivre les cours de yoga pour enfants au rythme d'un cours par semaine.


Les abonnement ont un tarif dégressif selon la durée de l''engagement.

J'achète mon abonnement en ligne dans la boutique (onglet CONTRATS).

iyengar yoga classes for kids


4-5 p.m.

Children's yoga class prices
In practice

Trial lesson

- The trial lesson is free and  must be booked online on the schedule.

Registration for courses for 3, 6 or 9 months

- To register for the course, simply take out a 3, 6 or 9 month subscription. The subscription can be taken out on site or online at the shop page --> Contracts .


- Parents are requested to contact the center 24 hours in advance in the event of the absence of their/s child/s .

School vacation

Classes will NOT be held during school holidays.


-  Classes last one hour. The maximum number of participants  is 12 children.

- Parents can wait for their children at the reception of the center during lessons.

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