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Anjaliom |  Contemporary dance class in paris 19

cours danse contemporaine paris

Contemporary dance

The Anjaliom center in Paris offers you  contemporary dance lessons based on the teaching of the great protagonists of contemporary dance: GrahamCunningham , Nikolais , Horton .

cours graham paris

Introductory course in contemporary dance
with Horton and Graham techniques


Monday, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

With Piccarda di Montereale

Start of classes on September 5, 2022

Lester Horton

In the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, dancer and choreographer Lester Horton developed a dance technique based on Native American dances, anatomical studies, and other body movement influences. In addition to creating his technique and choreographing a large number of works, Horton created the Lester Horton Dance Theatre.

Course levels
Introduction to contemporary dance  (1h30) 
with Piccarda


  • Who should attend?

This class is for adults  who have never practiced contemporary dance , even if they have done other dance styles (jazz, classical, etc.), as well as adult students who have done contemporary dance and want to improve their technical bases

  • Can we register during the year?

It is possible to register throughout the year. 


  • What is the aim of the course?

Starting contemporary dance as an adult can be quite a trying experience: if the body is not ready and you are not used to following and memorizing sequences of complex movements, it is easy to fall into frustration.

Contemporary dance, while being much less codified than academic (classical) dances, nevertheless possesses technical codes and bases which are based on the work of its founders , in particular on the Horton and Graham methods. These methods are studied in all major contemporary dance schools today and considered fundamental for learning certain tools, such as the directions of the body in space, the use of gravity, improvisation, etc

The aim of the initiation level is, on the one hand, to physically prepare the student for the very engaging work of contemporary dance, and on the other to educate and improve his relationship to space, balance , coordination, the ability to execute and memorize movement sequences and the ability to finally use your body as a tool for intimate expression.


  • What am I going to learn?

In this course, particular attention will be paid to exercises for flexibility and strengthening the legs, arms and spine . Very simple sequences, which draw on the precious heritage of Lester Horton and Martha Graham, will be studied throughout the year. 

To read: Lester Horton, pioneer of contemporary dance


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