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Course levels 

Level 1 (1h30) 

Level 1 corresponds to the beginner level. It is intended primarily for students who are new to yoga, but also for those who have practiced other yoga methods and who wish to know the Iyengar method. 

Indeed, the principles of movement and alignment, on which the whole approach of BKS Iyengar is based, may seem new to many students and are presented mainly in beginners' lessons. 

It is necessary to have acquired these foundations before considering practice in more advanced level courses. 


Level 2 (1h30) 

Level 2 is for students who have completed a full year of level 1 , who know the basics of standing postures, as well as the posture on the shoulders (salamba sarvangasana), as practiced according to the Iyengar method. Continuing on from the previous year, the study focuses on the practice of standing postures, simple seated and lying postures. Learning posture on the head is also introduced during the year. 

This class is not suitable for beginners, or practitioners of yoga techniques other than Iyengar yoga.


Level 2/3 (1h30) 

Level 2/3 is for students who need to deepen the level 2 program , in order to strengthen their standing postures as well as inverted postures before starting a level 3 class comfortably. The basic postures of the families of forward stretches, backward stretches, and twists will be practiced. Pranayama will be discussed. 

This class is not suitable for beginners, or practitioners of yoga techniques other than Iyengar yoga.


Level 3 (1h45)

Level 3 involves being able to practice the posture on the head as well as the posture on the shoulders for a minimum of 5 minutes without effort . The postures will be held longer and the sequences more varied. 

This class is not suitable for beginners, or practitioners of yoga techniques other than Iyengar yoga.


Level 3/4 (2h00) 

The course is open to students practicing regularly for at least 3 or 4 years , having a personal practice at home, or following at least 2 lessons per week. The inverted postures will be kept comfortably for 10 minutes . The basics of advanced postures must be known, as well as the basics of pranayama . This course involves practical and theoretical knowledge of the Iyengar method.

This class is not suitable for beginners, or practitioners of yoga techniques other than Iyengar yoga.


Level 4 (2h00)

The course is open to students practicing regularly for at least 5 years, having a regular personal practice.

This course is particularly aimed at students in training to teach Iyengar yoga as well as teachers certified in the Iyengar method.

This class is not suitable for beginners, or practitioners of yoga techniques other than Iyengar yoga.

cours de yoga
About the courses

The lessons we offer last from 1h30 to 2h, depending on the level.

The lessons, whatever the level, follow a precise program which evolves throughout the season  (from September to June).

It is important to keep a regular rhythm of practice of a minimum of once a week in order to comfortably integrate the evolution of the course. In general, following a level over at least a full year is recommended. 

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Practical advice

Before class
  • Practice on an empty stomach . It is best to practice once digestion is complete, so space your practice about 4 hours after a meal or 2 hours after a snack. 

  • Wear comfortable, clean clothing. Avoid clothes that are too long, too loose, synthetic fabrics that prevent perspiration.

  • Practice barefoot , without socks.

Arrive at class
  • Arrive between 10 min and 15 min before the start of the course , so that you can prepare yourself quietly and give the mind and body time to "disconnect" from the outside world. 

  • Please present your subscription card, and make any payment before the start of the course. 

  • Inform the teacher before the start of the course of any health problem(s) , pain, injuries, if you are indisposed or pregnant . Adapted practice may be required. 

  • Be sure to enter the practice room calmly , respecting the silence and tranquility of other practitioners. 

  • Wait for the end of the invocation to Patanjali to enter the practice room in case you arrive late. Beyond 15 min. late the class will not be accessible.

  • You are welcome to invite your friends to share the practice of yoga, taking into account their level of practice.

  • Do not practice after long exposure to the sun. 


During the class
  • Do not drink during practice.

  • Do not leave the class until savasana (the final relaxation) is over. If exceptionally you have to leave earlier, let the teacher know at the start of the lesson so that he can adjust the sequence for you.


After class
  • At the end of the course, take your time , let your mind integrate the effects of the practice and return quietly to the activity of the outside world, avoiding noisy discussions in the locker room, as well as jumping on your cell phones._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  • Wait 30 minutes before eating and drinking after a class. 

  • Wait 20 minutes before washing , to give the body time to absorb your last practice. 


Keep in mind that these recommendations are intended to make your practice time all the more beneficial.

yoga iyengar
Do I always have to attend the same class at the same time?

The ideal is to find a schedule of your level on which you can be regular each week.

If you cannot attend your usual lesson, we encourage you to catch up on another lesson of the same level during the week.


What is the ideal pace of practice? How many lessons per week?

At first, we recommend that you be regular once a week in order to follow the progress of the class you are attending and to give your body time to integrate the effects of your practice.

If you subsequently feel the need to intensify your practice, gradually increase the frequency of your classes, keeping in mind that the quality of your work and the intensity you engage in during each class prevails over the quantity of classes. that you take .


I have practiced hatha yoga (yin yoga, ashtanga yoga, kundalini yoga, vinyasa....)  at another center for three years, what level of Iyengar yoga should I attend?

If Iyengar yoga is new to you, you are welcome to beginner level classes .

Go to the timetable page to find a beginner class .


The class times for my level do not suit me, can I take more advanced level classes from time to time?

Yoga according to the Iyengar method offers courses in different levels . It is important to respect them to ensure progression without risk of injury as well as linear and correct learning of the postures .

You can therefore take courses at your level or at less advanced levels.


Do you have to bring your own mat?

You will find on site the mats and all the equipment necessary for the practice. You may as well use your practice materials if you wish.


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